The Dâmbovicioarei Keys
The Dâmbovicioarei Keys, which are located approximately 45 km by road or 19 km by mountain route from the village of Măgura (Casa Dobre Guesthouse), have a length of about 2 km. These were formed through thousands of years of erosion by the same river which bears its name. The Dâmbovicioara is the most important brook that flows into the Dâmboviţa and has its source on the southern slope of La Om Peak, in the Piatra Craiului Mountains. Crossing the Rucăr – Bran corridor, the Dâmbovicioara river, almost transversely and due to the fact that it dug in the Jurassic limestones of the above-mentioned mountains, it modeled in time a key sector, with the appearance of a true canyon.
The keys link the Dâmbovicioara Depression to the Dâmboviței Bridge and are presented with a special aspect of perfectly vertical walls or bent over the riverbed, having heights that exceed 200 meters. In the river basin of Dâmboviţa there is a complex of more than 20 Keys and is one of the largest in the country. The Dâmbovicioarei Keys are included in the area protected by the “Piatra Craiului” National Park.
Arriving in the area we recommend that you also take time to visit the Dâmbovicioarei Cave.